Calculation of the distance | Waypoint | Comment | Distance |
Release | 4730096N01404934E | | TP1 | 4732261N01407451E | 5,1 km | TP2 | 4722887N01409964E | 17,7 km | TP3 | 4726780N01358090E | 16,6 km | TP4 | 4717815N01405864E | 19,3 km | TP5 | 4730191N01419391E | 28,6 km | Finish | 4732216N01408703E | 13,9 km | | 80 % of the OLC distance for no FAI triangle | -20,1 km | | Airport altitude 638 m | | | Release height 1009 m | | | Cloud penalty / Flight penalty = 10 / 0,0 | |