Calculation of the distance | Waypoint | Comment | Distance |
Release | 4732379N01404804E | | TP1 | 4739123N01356912E | 15,9 km | TP2 | 4739557N01352269E | 5,9 km | TP3 | 4741548N01354186E | 4,4 km | TP4 | 4743231N01359295E | 7,1 km | TP5 | 4748186N01357918E | 9,4 km | Finish | 4742984N01338269E | 26,3 km | | 80 % of the OLC distance for no return | -13,8 km | | Airport altitude 638 m | | | Release height 1020 m | | | Cloud penalty / Flight penalty = 10 / 0,0 | |